K.T. Wong

Post-Doctoral Associate


K. T. Wong holds a Ph.D. in Visual Studies from the University of California, Irvine. His work focuses on videogames and anime from the perspective of media industries within East and Southeast Asian contexts. He is also interested in game music or ludomusicology.

His current book project, tentatively titled "Inter-Asian Gaming in Southeast Asia: Remapping the Globalization of Videogames through the Lens of Malaysia and Singapore," examines the evolution of Southeast Asian gaming culture between the 1990s and 2010s precipitated by the region’s formal integration into the global games market and industry. His project contends that Southeast Asia can serve as a framework to remap the globalization of videogames, which allows for alternative modes of knowledge production that decenters the West to arise. A chapter of this project has been published as a journal article in Games and Culture.

In addition, Wong has produced works that explore the transnationality inherent in the production and distribution models of Japanese animation and games. His research in this area has been published in The Velvet Light Trap and is forthcoming in the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies as well as the Handbook of Japanese Games and Gameplay.

At Cornell, he is co-hosted by the Asian Studies Department. He will be teaching courses in Global Game Studies and Japanese popular culture in Spring 2024.

ASIAN Courses - Spring 2025
