
East Asian Studies

East Asian Studies Application

We encourage students to declare to the minor no later than the first semester of the graduating year.  Students should prepare a statement of objectives to attach to the application.

Students should select their own East Asian minor advisor in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

A minor in East Asian Studies may be achieved by meeting these requirements:

  1. Complete at least five courses for the required minimum of 18 credits.  One of the East Asian Intro Courses (ASIAN 2211, ASIAN 2218, ASIAN 2230, ASIAN 2231, ASIAN 2232, or ASIAN 2233) is required.
  2. Students normally take courses in East Asian Studies (China, Japan, Korea) bearing subject heading ASIAN or its cross-listings.  Other courses with relevant East Asian content may also count, pending approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS).  Typically, non-language courses are selected at the 2000-level or above.
  3. The following courses may also count towards the minor: two courses (of at least three credits each) in an East Asian language at the 1000-level or above and East Asian graduate courses.  Language study is strongly encouraged, but credits awarded for language cannot exceed six credits.
  4. Take at least one non-language class at the 3000-level or above.
  5. A maximum of 8 transfer credits from courses taken outside of Cornell may be applied toward the minor.
  6. A minimum grade of B- must be received for all courses counted towards the minor.  S/U courses are ineligible.

Those enrolled in the East Asian Studies minor are considered members of the East Asia Program and are encouraged to participate in all program activities.

South Asian Studies

South Asian Studies Application

We encourage students to declare the minor early in their academic path and no later than the first semester of the graduating year. Students should prepare a statement of objectives to attach to the application.

Students should select their own South Asian minor advisor in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

A minor in South Asian Studies may be achieved by meeting these requirements:

  1. Complete at least five courses for the required minimum of 18 credits.  A 2000-Level ASIAN course on a South Asian topic is required.
  2. Students normally take courses in South Asian Studies bearing subject heading ASIAN or its cross-listings.  Other courses with relevant South Asian content may also count, pending approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS).  Typically, non-language courses are selected at the 2000-level or above.
  3. The following courses may also count towards the minor: two courses (of at least three credits each) in a South Asian language at the 1000-level or above and South Asian graduate courses.  Language study is strongly encouraged; credits awarded for language cannot exceed six credits.
  4. Take at least one non-language class at the 3000-level or above.
  5. A maximum of 8 transfer credits from courses taken outside of Cornell may be applied toward the minor.  For students in the Nilgiris Field Learning Center (NFLC) off-campus program only: non-seniors may apply up to three NFLC courses toward the fulfillment of the five-course requirement, and the minor application should be submitted prior to leaving for South Asia. Graduating seniors with a new interest in this minor after attending the NFLC program may apply up to four courses.
  6. A minimum grade of B- must be received for all courses counted towards the minor.  S/U courses are ineligible.

Those enrolled in the South Asian Studies Minor are considered members of the South Asia Program and are encouraged to participate in all program activities. Students are encouraged to commence work on a South Asian language at the 8-week intensive language program at the South Asian Summer Language Institute at the University of Madison, Wisconsin.

Southeast Asian Studies

Southeast Asian Studies Application

We encourage students to declare the minor early in their academic path and no later than the first semester of the graduating year. Students should prepare a statement of objectives to attach to the application.

Students should select their own Southeast Asian minor advisor in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

A minor in Southeast Asian Studies may be achieved by meeting these requirements:

  1. Complete five courses with a minimum of 18 credits. A 2000-Level ASIAN course on a Southeast Asian topic is required.
  2. Students normally take courses in Southeast Asian Studies bearing subject heading ASIAN or its cross-listings.  Other courses with relevant Southeast Asian content may also count, pending approval by the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS). Typically, non-language courses are selected at the 2000-level or above.
  3. The following courses may also count towards the minor: two courses (of at least three credits each) in a Southeast Asian language at the 1000-level or above and Southeast Asian graduate courses.  Language study is strongly encouraged; credits awarded for language study cannot exceed six credits.
  4. Take at least one non-language class at the 3000-level or above.
  5. A maximum of 8 transfer credits from courses taken outside of Cornell may be applied toward the minor.
  6. A minimum grade of B- must be received for all courses counted towards the minor.  S/U courses are ineligible.

Those enrolled in the Southeast Asian Studies Minor are considered members of the Southeast Asia Program and are encouraged to participate in all program activities. Students are encouraged to commence work on a Southeast Asian language either at the 10-week intensive course offered by the Southeast Asia Studies Summer Institute or by studying for one semester at IKIP Malang, Indonesia; Khon Kaen University, Thailand; or Hanoi University, Vietnam; fellowships are available for undergraduates through the Cornell Office of Global Learning.

Sanskrit Studies

Sanskrit Studies Application

We encourage students to declare to the minor no later than the first semester of the graduating year.  Students should prepare a statement of objectives to attach to the application.

To complete the Sanskrit Studies Minor, students must:

  1. Demonstrate language proficiency by completing SANSK 2251 (Intermediate Sanskrit I) or any higher-level Sanskrit course.
  2. Take a minimum of five Sanskrit or Sanskrit-related courses, including at least one 3000-level or higher-level course, and totaling no fewer than 18 credits.
    • Courses which may be used to satisfy the Sanskrit Studies minor include (but additional courses may be accepted in consultation with the minor advisor):
      SANSK 1131 SANSK 3302 ASIAN 2248 ASIAN 3366
      SANSK 1132 SNLIT 6601 ASIAN 2250 ASIAN 4020
      SANSK 2251 SNLIT 6602 ASIAN 3320 ASIAN 4446
      SANSK 2252  PALI 1151 ASIAN 3341 ASIAN 4447
      SANSK 3301 PALI 4450 ASIAN 3344  
  3. A minimum grade of B- must be received for all courses counted towards the minor.  S/U courses are ineligible.

Those enrolled in the Sanskrit Studies Minor are considered members of the South Asia Program and are encouraged to participate in all program activities.

Professors Lawrence McCrea (ljm223) or Daniel Boucher (djb38) are available to serve as a Sanskrit Studies faculty advisor and should be consulted on courses of study to complete the minor application, after which an appointment with the Director of Undergraduate Studies (asianstudiesdus@cornell.edu) should be scheduled. Bring the completed application to the appointment along with a copy of your current Cornell transcript; informal transcripts are accepted. 

Global Asia Studies

Global Asia Studies Application

We encourage students to declare to the minor no later than the first semester of the graduating year.  Students should prepare a statement of objectives to attach to the application.

Students should select their own Global Asia Studies minor advisor. 

A minor in Global Asia Studies may be achieved by meeting these requirements:

  1. Complete at least five courses for the required minimum of 18 credits.
  2. Students are required to take either a 2000-level or above ASIAN course that covers more than one Asian sub-region or at least 2 x 2000-level (or above) courses treating different but related sub-regions. Consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) is advised.
  3. Students normally take courses bearing subject heading ASIAN or courses cross-listed with ASIAN. Courses chosen towards the Global Asia Minor may address various sub-regions of Asia, interconnectedness within Asia, or Asia’s connections with other areas of the world.  Typically, non-language courses are selected at the 2000-level or above.
  4. The following courses may also count towards the minor: two courses (of at least three credits each) in a single Asian language at the 1000-level or above. Language study is strongly encouraged; credits awarded for language cannot exceed six credits.
  5. Take at least one non language class at the 3000-level or above.
  6. A maximum of 8 transfer credits from courses taken outside of Cornell may be applied toward the minor.
  7. A minimum grade of B- must be received for all courses counted towards the minor. S/U courses are ineligible.