Chinese literature and literary thought from Han dynasty through the early Song, early and medieval Chinese intellectual history, and the study of textual production and text culture in pre-modern China.
Research Focus
Chinese literature and literary thought from Han dynasty through the early Song, early and medieval Chinese intellectual history, and the study of textual production and text culture in pre-modern China.
- “A Splendid Patrimony”: Wang Bo and the Development of a New Poetic Decorum in Early Tang China. T'oung Pao. 98:113-144. 2012
- The Two Voices of Wangchuan Ji: Poetic Exchange between Wang Wei and Pei Di. Early Medieval China. 10-11:57-72. 2005
- Rethinking the Authorship and Dating of 'Gujing ji' (The Story of an Ancient Mirror). T'ang Studies. 20-21:1-38. 2002
- Wang Tong and the Compilation of the Zhongshuo (Discourses on the Mean): A New Evaluation of the Source Materials and Points of Controversy. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 121:370-390. 2001
- Mr. Five Dippers of Drunkenville: The Representation of Enlightenment in Wang Ji's Drinking Poems. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 118:347-355. 1998
- Transmitting Authority: Wang Tong (ca. 584-617) and the Zhongshuo in Medieval Chinese Manuscript Culture. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 2014
- A wild deer amid soaring phoenixes : the opposition poetics of Wang Ji. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 2003
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